5 Things You Must Include In A Resume For You To Be Successfully Considered For A Job

Are you ready to explore the job market? If yes, then here is the very first thing you need to know: your resume is one of the most important documents in a job search. You may like to ask, why resume? The answer is simple! It’s because your resume help employers to quickly learn who you are and what skills and experiences you possess. As a result, there are certain necessary things you must include in a resume, which we are going to list in this article for you.

Even though resumes differ depending on education, working experiences and history, industry and position, and so on, you should make sure that your resume contains everything the employer needs to be sure that you’re the right person for the position.

5 Things You Must Include In A Resume

Below you’ll learn those things to include in a resume to make it easy for the employer to be convinced that you’re a match for the position. This article is just a guide to what you need to know. It’s not compulsory that you will follow each step, besides you may decide to add, remove, or alter any section depending on your application.

That being said, here are the common things to include in a resume;

1. Name and Contact Information

This section is quite inevitable part of a resume and at minimum, it should include your name, phone number, and email address. Contact information is normally placed on top of your resume, where it can be easy and quick to read.

For instance, a contact information on your resume should look like this;

Harvey Jerome
44 Burgass Road
[email protected]

2. Resume Summary/Objective Statement

For the summary/objective section, you’re meant to briefly explain who you are and why you’re a match for the position. However, before engaging in this part of your resume, it is advised to carefully review the job posting to have an idea of which skills (technical & soft) that will be most relevant.

On the other hand, the objective statement is closely related to the resume summary and you can decide to leave them out. The objective statement states the purpose of your resume. You can use it to let the employer know your specific job or career goal.

3. Education

The next on the list of things you must include in a resume is educational qualifications, starting with your most recent or highest degree. This section is necessary for employers who require a certain degree, certificate, or level of experience from job candidates. The education section of your resume should contain elements such as; the name and location of the institution attended, the degree you obtained, your field of study, year of graduation, and any relevant honors or academic recognition you have obtained.

For instance, your resume education section could look like this;

Harvard College Of Nursing
Aug. 2016 – Oct. 2018
BSc. In Nursing
OSHA Certificate Program

4. Past Job Experience/Employment History

Here, you have the opportunity to showcase the value you have given to your former employers. It is referred to as experience. In this section, you are to list all your most relevant work experiences, starting from your most recent job. Depending on the level of experience you have, you can focus on your experiences from the past 10 to 15 years.

Additionally, you can just list your employment history to convince the employer that you have had working experiences even if they don’t seem completely relevant or related. While writing your employment history, make sure to include your job title, employer’s name, years of employment, the city and state in which it is located.

5. Skills Section

This is also one of the important things you must include in a resume. The section should comprise of your technical or hard skills and soft skills, plus any tools you’ve learned or certificates you’ve obtained.

It’s advised to include skills that are relevant to the job that you are seeking for. Meanwhile, you can as well lookup for the skills potential employers are looking for the most through the job description. From the job description, you can pick out some required skills that match yours and include them in this section of your resume.

Take Away:

In the summary of your job resume, you can include relevant information that relates to the job that you’re applying for. They could be volunteer work, military experiences, computer skills, awards, hobbies, and so on. Try as much as you can to avoid controversial affiliations.

Again, references shouldn’t be among the things to include in a resume because employers already know you can provide them easily.

Your job resume is very essential and it is one of the first documents potential employers will look into when you submit an application. Therefore, you need to optimize your resume enough to convince a potential employer that you’re a good fit for the job.